More Trees
More Flowers
More Bees

Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.

Albert Einstein

Nature HQ provides creative sustainable projects that help the environment.

Nature HQ is a not-for-profit company that creates engaging environmental projects with the overall aim of providing effective climate solutions.

We work on projects that councils, companies and individuals can engage with as part of their environmental activities. These can range from small pollinator gardens, to managed apiaries, seed projects and even more traditional tree planting schemes.

All our projects are designed to be self-sustaining. As part of that ethos, we help incubate new eco-friendly businesses and brands, and work with a number of award-winning partners to ensure that all our solutions are financially sound.

So whether you are a company looking to reduce and offset your carbon emissions, or an individual wanting to help a local environmental project, we can help.

Some of Our Projects


Our pilot project was the creation of a small pollinator garden. The whole concept was designed to include half an acre of land, a managed apiary and ‘flying corridors’ designed to support pollinators throughout the growing season. We looked carefully at plant species for sustained flowering, areas of decaying wood for insect friendly ‘homes’, and careful management of old tree specimens.
Behives Established
Trees Planted

Plant, plant, plant

We support planting projects that can range from small orchards to larger expansions of existing forests as well as managed carbon offsetting schemes all over the UK. As George Monbiot once said: ‘There is a magic machine that sucks carbon out of the air, costs very little, and builds itself… It’s called a tree’.


Remember, it’s not just about the trees, but also the spaces around them. Even in our most bucolic countryside, we run the danger of monoculture and the subsequent lack of diversity for our bees and butterflies. All our projects include a careful look at flowers, hedgerows and other local plant varieties to support their important role for our wildlife.

Wildflower Seeds Planted
Projects Supported

Sustainable Business

Our spaces are not only a home to local wildlife, but we also believe in creating conditions that allow sustainable small businesses to thrive within them. This can eventually provide an income that allows our projects to support themselves. The latest example of this is ‘Our Little Apiary’, a project that provides a home for honeybees on reclaimed brownfield land, and engages with local people by offering an ‘adopt a hive’ scheme. The sale of honey and other products made on the apiary goes back into the project itself creating a successful self-sustaining green business.

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